
Ways to bring new people into your Dealership?

You have been looking for ways to bring new people into your dealership, and you are considering having a mobile application designed for you that owners of the iPhone, iPad, and Android devices can use to get in touch with you. You know that in order to succeed you need to jump into the technology wave. However, you are not completely sold on the idea of investing in a mobile app. Here are a few reasons why you should.

You will look like you know what you’re doing. This is an informal way of saying that a mobile app will make you look more professional. When a customer calls into the dealership and asks about your specials or wants to know about the types of inventory that you have, instead of fumbling through papers looking for a brochure to read from or waiting for a inventory screen to load on your computer, you can just ask them if they have an iPhone or Android device. If they say yes, you can simply direct them to your mobile app and they can see your inventory in detail, along with pictures. What better way to say you’re official than “Check out our iPhone app!”

Customers can access you, and you can connect with them. You probably have a database with customer information as well as an email address in which you can send out marketing material and updates to customers. Wouldn’t it be easier to send a message to all your customers with mobile devices that will pop up directly on their phone? This cuts the chance of lost emails and other mishaps by providing a direct link to your clients, and they also have a direct connection to you and your entire inventory. It is almost like a mobile store!

You are hip to the times! You have some sleek, powerful cars that younger customers find appealing. These shoppers are almost certain to have the latest mobile devices on the market because they have to fit into the “in” crowd. Therefore, you have to blend in by accessing them through their means of familiarity, which is through mobile applications. Why? Because most of these trendsetters are spending more time accessing the internet through their phones than on actual computers. Cater to these customers, and they will reward you with their business.

You cannot expect business to always come to you – you must go get it! Having a mobile app created by Multichoice Apps can help you achieve your sales goals because it is simply what people want to see. We create all kinds of custom applications and we have helped automotive dealerships reach new heights through the use of innovative mobile applications. Reach out to Multichoice today and we can put together a great mobile app for your business! Our website www.MultichoiceApps.com

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